Modern engineered landfills are ok, environmentally speaking. On the other hand, burying our garbage (municipal solid waste)(MSW) in any landfill is a huge waste of energy. For example, one ton of MSW contains the same amount of energy in 2-barrels of oil.Third-world landfills are nightmare for Mother Earth. We should certainly minimize the disposal of garbage in landfill burial sites, and use this sustainable energy resource (MSW) for production of ultra-clean transportation fuels.That is what we do at Taylor Energy – develop technology to convert garbage into clean fuels, particularly including renewable jet-fuel. After 25-years of Research & Development, we know what to do — now we need to execute: 1st-pilot-scale & demonstration-scale, then commercial deployment. Community-scale projects that convert 100-tons/day of garbage into 100-bbl/day of ultra-clean transportation fuel, including Jet-A; that’s our target.

In 2015, Taylor Energy received two grants for a total of $1.65 million from the California Energy Commission to develop technology converting garbage into clean transportation fuels. Your charitable donations will help us become a sustainable world.

Copies of our current and past public records, and IRS 990 are available upon request.

We are a California nonprofit corporation, registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organizaion. You can make your tax-deductible contributions here.